Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Today the work continues but many had a later start. Water filters began at 10 AM and the VBS and Medical will not begin until 2 PM...Construction however began at 8:30 AM so as not to leave the impression that the Gringos are lazy. Again we are divided and some got the chance to cross over to other groups and experience new things. 

In the evening devotions the team has discussed how they have been touched by the things they are experiencing and where they have seen God at work (and play). It is clear that everyone has been touched in some way. 

Please continue to pray for our time here in Guatemala and for God's plan here now, and when we depart as well. I would ask especially that you pray for all the people who are making our stay and our work possible...Lidia & Sergio, Filamena, Judy Russell, Pedro, and our many translators and drivers (Adan, Manuel, Daniel, Jose, Juan, Josepha, & Diego) I am sure there are others I have left out. This could not be what it is without the hospitality, grace, and hard work of these our friends here in Guatemala

Dios te bendiga todos (God bless you all)

Construction fun

Notice the close supervision of Coop and the use of power tolls by one of the local construction guys...they must not trust Gringos (or maybe its just Coop)

Paul (or Paublo) who is supervising construction

This Church received a water filter in the morning and this is where VBS and Medical will be this afternoon. 

This is the SS Classroom where their filter 

This is a house (with 4 generations living there in one home) that got another filter

This is another family that got a water filter

Check back later for pictures from VBS and Medical...Internet permitting 

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